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Create an Eco-Place

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1. the presentation of this project : why and how I want to create a new eco-place,

2. you will find the compensations according to the donations

  1. The Project

Goal : buy a land (around 1 hectare), in the department of Gard, before 2020, to create an eco-place.

Somewhere in NîmesBow

This place will be opened to every person interested by a way of life based on self-sufficiency, simplicity, sharing in a joyous and relaxed atmosphere.

From the beginning of his creation, the eco-place will follow the permaculture’s ethics :
Take care of Nature (soils, forests, water and air)
Take care of Humans (oneself, community and future generations)
Create abundance et Share the surplus

What will happen when the land will be buy ?

° The 1st year :
1- Eco-house : Flex-Yurt…
2- Sustainable Energy : Solar Cooker, Rocket Stove, Solar Panels…
3- Food Self-sufficiency : different kind of Soil Culture, Fruit Trees Plantation…
4- Doing Together : Workshops, Community Volunteering Project…
5- Music, and all kind of Artistic Expression
6- Yoga, Meditation, Natural Teatments

°The 2nd year :
7- Digital Technology will tend to the DIY : to understand how it works, with for example the Arduino, Raspberry, washing machine with pedals
8- everything which can grow the place : thoughts about Money, Education, Work…

Of course nothing is fixed and some points can be redefined when it needs.

More informations about the amount and the period

30000€ :
to honor the compensations (see below)
to buy the land with an area of 10000m² to do on it educational and artistic activities, and experiment food self-sufficiency for several persons.
If it’s possible to find a building land, great !
I case of an agriculture area, the goal will be to present the project at the municipalities to have their agreement.
to settle the notary costs and the commission of Leetchi (see below)

before 2020 :
to have time to find the ideal land.

Why this project ?

°To show it’s possible to have a healthy and simple life for us and for our planet, keeping comfort and joy of life together.

°Because in 2009 I woke up and I dreamt to see appear linked and supportive eco-places. In 2017, at 30, after I met full of persons who are living in this way and who inspired me, I feel it’s the right moment to act, and share this project of life  by appealing to a crowfunding whithout which I couldn’t realize it.

°Since 2012, I go to a way of life more self-sufficient and I share my knowledges learned practically during workshops and via this website since 2016.

°In 2016 : 1st workshop of Solar Cooker and Rocket Stove oraganised with the association Les Pensées Sauvages

The 1st Solar Cooker, with seat

°In 2017 :

  • workshops of Rocket Stove and Flex-Yurt continued, alone or in group.

2 future Rocket Stove

°I also organized with others, several social and ecological collective projects :

– the Roulotte Fai Da Te to spread autonomous knowledges for people in need or not,

– Féria de l’Autonomie et de la Connexion : the goal was to link eco-places around Nîmes in 2 days thanks to ecological means of transport, to show that « the self-sufficiency and the ecology » don’t mean « return to the candle »,

– and Nîmes en Transition : since 2016 this group rally more and more local actors and actress in fields like eco-habitat or  upcycling, and enable to the Nîmes’ habitants to see what’s happening in their city.

– I settled at the Ferme Haricot, in a Flex-Yurt. It’s an eco-place where self-governance is the key word. Learning life in intergenerational collective is rich there. My desire to create a new eco-place was maturing also there.

the entrance of Ferme Haricot

Due to those projects and some trips in several eco-places in differents countries, it’s time for me to build in my native land… around Nîmes.

I hope to realise this ideal of life and create an other oasis of resilience.

To provide at this child inside me and all those who are growing , to blossom in a sustainable environment, saying « I’m sure that everybody can live like this, with locals resources, here and anywhere, now and in 1000 years« .

Why starting this project alone ?

« If you want to go fast, walk alone. If you want to go far away, walk together »
I really like this african proverb.

To begin, this project is the fruit of a lot of reflections, experiences and sharing with a lot of people here and there.

Then I go for it « alone » because I can vouch to realize this project until his achievement. And to start it here and now is something that’s near to my heart.

Of course if persons are interested by all aspects of this project, the door is opened. smiley

This eco-place will be create and it lives on thanks to the community.

2. Rewards

From 1€ : Thank You !

You will have news from the eco-place and its progress + Your name on the board at the entrance


From 10€ to 29€ : Thank You !

You will have a friendship bracelet done by myself


From 30€ to 49€ : Thank You !

You will have a natural homemade toothpaste


From 50€ to 99€ : Thank You !

You will have an ecological usb key full of usefull informations to create an eco-place


🎆 From 100€ to 199€ : Thank You !

You choose one of precedent rewards + Grow and give a name to a fruit tree, you will be his referrer


🎇 From 200€ to 499€ : Thank You !

You will participate in one of this workshops : Solar Cooker, Rocket Stove, Flex-Yurt, and head back with your ecological product


🌟 From 500€ to 999€ : Thank You !

I will make one of this ecological product for you : Solar Cooker, Rocket Stove, Flex-Yurt


🌠 From 1000€ : Thank You!

What you want from precedent rewards + I can also cook for you chickpeas pancakes during one month and I deliver you within a radius of 50  km : )


Free Donations : Thank You !

If you don’t want rewards, it will be a pleasure to invit you to have good time in the eco-place

Detail of the 30000€ (estimations)

Leetchi’s Commission = 870€

Rewards = 1550€

Land Purchase = 24280€

Notary Costs = 3300€

Whatever your donation, thank you for your participation and to believe in this project !


yes Please participate on the future name of the eco-place here :

winkThank You

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